Tuesday, January 27, 2015

India - National Productivity - Innovation Awards

Objectives of the India National Productivity & Innovation Awards 

The objectives of the National Productivity & Innovation Award is to identify and bring forward innovative enterprises in Manufacturing  Sector who through their innovative actions have introduced breakthrough changes in products, services, processes, and new methods of production for augmenting enterprise level productivity and competitiveness in the financial year 2013-2014, and can become role models for others to emulate.

Electronics & Computer Hardware Sector-Award Scheme .doc
Leather Sector-Award Scheme.doc
Light Electrical Industry Sector-Award Scheme.doc
Sports Good Industry Sector-Award Scheme.doc
Textile & Garment Sector-Award Scheme.doc

Toy Industry Sector-Award Scheme.doc
Toys - Subsectors
(a) Plastic toys (including Vinyl Toys)
(b) Electronic & Mechanical toys
(c) Dolls
(d) Metal Toys & Collectibles
(e) Puzzles and Board Games
(f) Wooden & Traditional toys
(g) Soft and plush toys
(h)Others (Foam, Stone, Paper based etc)

Download Application Documents for various sectors from the NPC website


Last Date of Receiving Entries 15th February 2015

1.      The objectives of the National Productivity & Innovation Award is to identify and bring forward innovative enterprises in Manufacturing  Sector who through their innovative actions have introduced breakthrough changes in products, services, processes, and new methods of production for augmenting enterprise level productivity and competitiveness in the financial year 2013-2014, and can become role models for others to emulate.


2.1. An Expert-cum-Jury (ECJ) committee has been constituted jointly by drawing experts from academia, research, consultancy and concerned department/ministry officials involved in promotion, policy formulation, R&D and Technical back stopping along with NPC representative as Member Secretary/Coordinator. The Expert Committee has finalized the scheme determining the (a) eligibility for participation (b) quantitative and qualitative factors to be considered (c) weightage to be given to each of the quantitative and qualitative factors, ensuring that the ratio of 60:40 between the overall quantitative and qualitative factors is maintained (d) questionnaire for obtaining required information from the participating organization.

2.2. The performance of each of the participating unit for the reference year (the latest year 2013-2014) will be adjudged in relation to the average performance for the last three years. The average values for these three years are termed as base year values for each of the factors, as well as for the total factors.

2.3. In case of quantitative factors, weightages is distributed in the ratio of 60:40 for the growth (over three year) and the level of performance (in reference year) respectively. For calculating of quantitative productivity ratio, we have taken into account both levels and growth factors.

2.4. Each unit has to be graded in a method which would show their position vis-à-vis other units. The units have been graded on a scale between 0.0 to 1.0 i.e the best unit gets a grade of 1.0 and the worst unit gets a grade of 0.0 while the rest of the units get a grade between the two limits.

The normalization has been done according to the following formula.


2.5. The jury will decide the three best units eligible for receiving the National Productivity and Innovation Awards. The decision of the jury will be final in all respects. The jury has the right not to give any award to any of the participating unit in case it considers that the participation in the contest is not satisfactory. The Jury will also have the right to visit participating unit or invite them to Delhi for verification of data, if it so desires.

2.6. The Jury will have the power to review the scheme as and when required.

2.7. National Productivity Council will provide the Secretariat for operating the Scheme.


3.1. The following types of Organizations are eligible to participate in the National Productivity & Innovation Award Scheme.

Micro-The Organization with investment not exceeding Rs 25 Lakh under this category will be considered as Micro Enterprise.
Small-The Organization with investment of between Rs 25 Lakh – Rs 5 Crores under this category will be considered as Small Enterprise.
Medium -The Organization with investment of between Rs 5 – Rs 10 Crores under this category will be considered as Medium Enterprise.

The institute/organization/unit working under the Toy Manufacturing Sectors participating in the Productivity & Innovation Award contest has to submit the either the copy of registration with Ministry of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) OR any three from the following:
a) Income Tax Return statement from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).
b) Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate/Document.
c) Raw Material Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).
d) Electricity Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).
e) Tax Identification Number (TIN) Registration Certificate/Document.

However, every unit has to submit the mandatory Audited/Board of Directors certified/approved Annual Reports along with the Balance Sheet for the year ending March 2014, March 2013, March 2012, and March 2011 (04 years). Only, mechanized industry/organizations/units are eligible for this Award scheme.


4.1. The broad indicative evaluation criteria envisaged for award are independence of the segment (sub sector). The evaluation process will include assessment of both Quantitative and Qualitative factors. The evaluation criteria for assessment of awards have been grouped into following three broad measurable categories:

a. Result based parameters: The result based parameters reflects operational efficiency of the manufacturing unit and can be measured by computing Capital productivity, Labour productivity, Material productivity and Energy productivity. Besides there are profitability parameters like profit, sales, equity, debt etc and production related parameters such as capacity utilization, raw material & by product utilization and waste minimization, which can also be considered under this category.

b. Product Innovation based parameters: Product innovation includes both goods & services introduced by a manufacturing unit whose fundamental characteristics or intended uses are new or differ significantly from other products or services traditionally produced by the unit. Product innovations can be introduced by developing brand new products, by significantly modifying existing products or purchasing the right to produce/copying products that are not being produced traditionally by the unit.

c. Process innovation based parameters: Process innovation includes production techniques, production processes, system monitoring and processes introduced by the unit that are new to the industry. Process innovations can be introduced by developing brand new equipment, techniques and processes by significantly modifying existing equipment, techniques or processes or by purchasing the right to use /copying, equipment, techniques and processes that are not currently used by the unit. Implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software

4.2. In addition, the following Qualitative Factors will be considered for evaluation :
i. Process/Product quality improvement
ii. Productivity Plans & Human Resource
iii. Productivity Consciousness
iv. Participatory Systems and Culture
v. R&D efforts/Modernization Indigenization


National Productivity & Innovation Awards will be given in three main categories Micro, Small and Medium. In each category, there would be awards at three levels/Ranks i.e. First, Second & Third. Every winning enterprise will receive a certificate along with an Award Trophy.


All entries along with filled in questionnaire & relevant annexure received upto the last date will be considered for the Awards. The last date for receiving the entries is 15th February, 2015. The cover should be marked ‘Productivity & Innovation Award for Toy Manufacturing Sector’ and ‘Confidential’ and sent to Director (PA), NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL Utpadakta Bhavan, 5-6, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.



(Please study the scheme and definitions/explanations attached with the questionnaire before filling up. You may use additional sheets if necessary)

1. Please choose (√ ) the industry type applicable:
* Plastic toys (including Vinyl Toys)
* Electronic toys & Mechanical Toys
* Dolls
* Metal toys & Collectibles
* Puzzles and Board Games
* Wooden & Traditional toys
* Soft and plush toys
* Others (Foam, Stone, paper based etc)
2. Please provide the following information:
S.No. Particulars Details
1 Name of the Organization

2 Organization Registration Number
(MSME Registration No./VAT No./PAN No./TIN No.)
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-1’)
3 Name of CEO/MD/Highest Rank Official

4 Address of the Organization



City: …………………………………….Pin code: ………………………………

Website Address: ...……………………………………………………………….

3. Please choose (√ ) the total capital investment applicable for your organizaiton:
* Upto Rs 25 Lakhs
* Between Rs 25 Lakhs to Rs 5 Crores
* Between Rs 5 Crorres to Rs 10 Crores
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-2’)

4. Please choose (√ ) the type of ownership applicable for your organization:
* Sole-Proprietorship
* Private Partnership
* Joint Venture
* Private Limited
* Public Sector Unit
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-3’)

5. Please select (√ ) a category from the following for which you have applied:
* Process Innovation
* Product Innovation
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-4’)

6. Please choose (√ ) the type of operation applicable to your organization:
* Manual
* Mechanized
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-5’)

7. Is the organization registered with Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME):
* Yes
* No
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-6’)

8. If the organization is not registered with MSME, please enclose any three of the following documents as Annexure ‘A-7’:
a) Income Tax Return statement from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).
b) Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate/Document.
c) Raw Material Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).
d) Electricity Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).
e) Tax Identification Number (TIN) Registration Certificate/Document.

9. Please enclose the following mandatory documents as Annexure ‘A-8’ for Audited/Board of Directors certified/approved Annual Reports along with the Balance Sheet for the year ending March 2014, March 2013, March 2012, and March 2011 (04 years).

10. Contact person Name: ……………………………………………………………….
Mailing Address: ……………………………………………………………………..
Telephone: …………………………………….Fax…………………………………..
Mobile………………………………. E-mail…………………………………………


Kindly provide the following information in the specified denominator (i.e. Rupees/Units) for each financial year as on 31st March of the year. Please enclose the supporting documents in regards to the information provided for the questionnaire in the above table as Annexure ‘B’:
S.No. ITEMS 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
1. Annual Installed Capacity (in Units)
2. Annual Turnover Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs

3. Annual Production Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs

4. Total Exports Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs

5. Total Inventory Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs

S.No. ITEMS 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
6. Total Man days utilized (including regular & contractual workers for all shifts in Nos.)
7. Total Investment (Rs in Lakhs)
a. Raw Material purchased (Rs in Lakhs) Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs Units Rs in Lakhs

b. Investment on Machines (Rs in Lakhs )
8. Total Overheads (Rs in Lakhs)
a. Total Expenditure on Research & Development (Rs. in Lakhs)
b. Total Expenditure on Pollution Control (Rs. in Lakhs)
c. Salary & Wages (Rs in Lakhs)
d. Others including rent, electricity, maintenance, etc. (Rs in Lakhs)
S.No. ITEMS 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
9. Total Energy Consumed (Rs in Lakhs)
a. Electricity (Rs in Lakhs)
b. Diesel (Rs in Lakhs)
c. Non-Conventional (Rs in Lakhs)
d. Other (Rs in Lakhs)
8. Fixed Capital (Rs. in Lakhs)
9. Working Capital (Rs. in Lakhs )
10. Total Equity Capital (Rs. in Lakhs)
11. Total Debt Capital (Rs. in Lakhs)
12. Net Profit Before Tax (Rs. in Lakhs)
13. Total Capital Investment (Rs in Lakhs)


Kindly select (√ ) the option applicable for your organization and enclose the supporting document as requested:
1. Is your organization certified nationally or internationally for quality standards like ISO, FIFA, OSHAS, etc?
* Yes
* No
If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-1’)

2. Please specify the percentage of defects/rejects of total production: ……………
(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-2’)

3. Please specify the percentage of defected/rejected products taken for re-work: ……………(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-3’)

4. Please specify the percentage of wastage from raw material: …………………….
(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-4’)

5. Is your organization taken any measures to check the pollution by it?
* Yes, substantive measures have been taken to check pollution by my origination
* No, pollution by my organization is within permissible limits
* No, my unit is not polluting
* No
(If your answer is from first three options, then please enclose the supporting document as Annexure ‘C-5’)

6. Do you have Sexual Harassment Cell for the employees of your organization?
* Yes
* No
 (Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-6’)

7. Do you have grievance management system for the employees of your organization?
* Yes
* No
(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-7’)
8. Do you provide personal protection/safety equipments to your employees?
* Yes
* No
(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-8’)

9. Do you have welfare facilities/schemes such as transport, retirement benefits, medical facility, etc. for your employees?
* Yes
* No
If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-9’)

10. Do you provide skill/behavioral safety training to your employees?
* Yes
* No
(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-10’)

11. Do you have any CSR (Corporate Social Welfare) policy?
* Yes
* No
If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-11’)

12. Do you have any exclusive department/wing working on innovation or research and development within your organization?
* Yes
* No
If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-12’)

13. What is the impact of innovation on the profitability of the organization?
* Profitability has increased
* Profitability has decreased
* No impact on profitability
(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-13’)

14. Whether the innovation initiated by your is carrying any patent or copyright?
* Yes
* No, but applied for patent
* No
 (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-14’)

15. What is the impact of innovation on energy consumption?
* Energy consumption has Increased
* Energy consumption has decreased
* No impact on Energy consumption
 (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-15’)

16. What is the impact of innovation on waste reduction?
* Reduced
* Increased
* No impact
 (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-16’)

17. What is the impact of innovation on pollution?
* Reduced
* Increased
* No impact
* Not Applicable
 (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-17’)

Please note, if you don’t have any supporting document as requested above, Kindly submit a self-declaration certificate in this regard, attested by your Head of the Organization.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Organizational Culture at Mahindra Group - India

Mahindra Group - Purpose and Values

Our motivation to give our best every day comes from our core purpose: we will challenge conventional thinking and innovatively use all our resources to drive positive change in the lives of our stakeholders and communities across the world, to enable them to Rise.

Our products and services support our customers’ ambitions to improve their living standards; our responsible business practices positively engage the communities we join through employment, education, and outreach; and our commitment to sustainable business is bringing green technology and awareness into the mainstream through our products, services, and light-footprint manufacturing processes.

This commitment to sustainability—social, economic, and environmental—rests upon a set of core values.  They are an amalgamation of what we have been, what we are, and what we want to be.  These values are the compass that guides our actions, both personal and corporate.  They are:

We have always sought the best people for the job and given them the freedom and the opportunity to grow.  We will continue to do so.  We will support innovation and well-reasoned risk taking, but will demand performance.

Good corporate citizenship
As in the past, we will continue to seek long-term success, which is in alignment with the needs of the countries we serve. We will do this without compromising ethical business standards.

Customer first
We exist and prosper only because of the customer.  We will respond to the changing needs and expectations of our customers speedily, courteously and effectively.

Quality focus
Quality is the key to delivering value for money to our customers.  We will make quality a driving value in our work, in our products and in our interactions with others.  We will do it 'First Time Right.'
Dignity of the individual
We will value individual dignity, uphold the right to express disagreement and respect the time and efforts of others.  Through our actions, we will nurture fairness, trust, and transparency.


Read a 2008 HBR article on Mahindra - Finding a Higher Gear  Where some of the cultural issues were also mentioned

2007 Article in Outlook Business

Economic Times Corporate Dossier has an article in the issue dated 20 July 2007
Mahindra's Management Makeover
Along with it there is a small article - The Culture Conundrum - Prochie Mukherji explained how they went about finding the core values. (The post is based on that article. I retrieved the page from my collection of paper cuttings).

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2014 India Manufacturing Excellence Awards - The ET - Frost Sullivan

Super Platinum Award Winners
1 Hindustan Unilever Limited Ranipur Super Platinum Award
2 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited - Plant 1 Nashik Super Platinum Award - 1st Runner up
Platinum Award Winners
3 ITC Limited Bangalore Platinum Award - Process Sector, Mega Large Business
4 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited - Farm Division Rudrapur Platinum Award - Automotive Sector, Mega large Business
5 ACC Limited, Lakheri Cement Works Lakheri Platinum Award - Process Sector, Large Business
6 ATC Limited Hosur Platinum Award - Process Sector, Emerging Business
7 Subros Limited Noida Platinum Award - Auto Ancillary Sector, Medium Business
Gold Award Winners
1 ITC Limited Saharanpur Gold Award - Process Sector, Mega Large Business
2 New Holland Fiat India Pvt. Limited Greater Noida Gold Award - Automotive Sector, Mega Large Business
3 Wabco India Limited Chengalpet Gold Award - Auto Ancillary Sector, Medium Business
4 ACC Limited, Gagal Cement Works Barmana Gold Award - Process Sector, Mega Large Business
5 Chanderiya Lead - Zinc Smelter, HZL - Unit 2 Chittorgarh Gold Award - Metals Sector, Mega Large Business
6 SKF India Limited Haridwar Gold Award - Engineering Sector, Medium Business
7 Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (Plant - II) Korba Gold Award - Metals Sector, Mega Large Business
8 Rane Brake Lining Limited, Plant - 4 Trichy Gold Award - Auto Ancillary Sector, Emerging Business
9 Schneider Electric IT Business India Private Limited - IDF 4 & 5 Jigani, Bangalore Gold Award - Engineering Sector, Medium Business
10 Raychem RPG Pvt. Limited Vasai - East Gold Award - Process Sector, Emerging Business
11 Johnson & Johnson Limited Baddi Gold Award - Process Sector, Large Business
12 Sentiss Pharma Pvt. Limited Solan Gold Award - Pharma Sector, Medium Business
13 Hindustan Unilever Limited Kundaim - Goa Gold Award - Process Sector, Medium Business
14 Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Ameenpur, Hyderabad Gold Award - Process Sector, Medium Business
15 SKF India Limited Pune Gold Award - Engineering Sector, Large Business
16 UltraTech Cement Limited (Birla White) Jodhpur Gold Award - Process Sector, Large Business
17 Philips India Limited Vadodara Gold Award - Medium Business
18 Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited, FTO - 3 Hyderabad Gold Award - Pharma Sector, Mega Large Business
19 Micro Labs Limited Baddi Gold Award - Pharma Sector, Large Business
20 Hindustan Unilever Limited Mangalore Gold Award - Process Sector, Medium Business


Gold Award Winners

ITC Limited - Saharanpur
New Holland Fiat India Pvt. Ltd. - Greater Noida
Wabco India Limited - Chengalpet
Acc Limited, Gagal Cement Works - Barmana
Chanderia Lead-Zinc Smelter, HZL-Unit 2 - Chittorgarh
SKF India Ltd. - Haridwar
Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (Plant II) - Korba
Rane Brake Linings Limited Plant - 4 - Trichy

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Assembly of Diesel Generating Set - Project Information

Telephone Exchange, Shops etc. when there is a power supply failure from the State Electricity
Board or other powe supply undertakings. The Diesel Generator sets proposed in this project
profile are of lower capacity only i.e. below 7.5 kVA. The prime mover of the Generator set will be
a diesel engine and the prime mover will be coupled to an alternator (single phase for small units).
Generator set supply etc. Generator sets of higher rating has to be started with battery starters.
Diesel Generator sets of smaller rating can be started by cranking.Process of Manufacture : The
proposed unit is doing the assembly of diesel generator sets with necessary control panel as per
the requirement of the customer. The load requirement of the customer is studied in consultation
with the customer.Any special requirements such as minimum start up period,fluctuations of load
etc.are noted.A suitable alternator to meet the load requirement is procured from an alternator
manufacturer.A diesel engine suitable for the alternator is also selected and procured from the
diesel engine manufacturer.The diesel engine and alternator are coupled and fixed on a frame. A
control panel for starting the engine using battery bank, isolating the mains while the alternator is.

There will be a control panel to control the on/off operation/change over from mains supply to

Equipment Required

Pendent opeated Electric Hoist 5Ts -1 No.Welding Transformer 2 kVA-1
No,Gas cutting equipment-1 No, Flexible shaft grinder-1 No.,Bench Drilling
Machine 1/2" Cap-1 No.,Set of tools such as spanners, Screw drivers,
crimping tools etc.-1 No., Resistance load bank for loading the Alternator (10
kW capacity) - 1No., Testing panel for testing-1 No.



Maharashtra Industrial Profile

 (In Nos.)
Region -                           MSME  - Employment in lakhs - Large Enterprises -  Employment in lakhs
Mumbai                          15565          2.47                                 311                           0.47
Konkan (Excl.Mumbai) 25625          3.91                                1222                           2.45
Nashik                            19911          2.50                                  665                           1.52
Pune                                68080         7.86                                 1490                          4.07
Aurangabad                    11174         1.36                                    538                         1.11
Amravati                           7710         0.89                                   148                          0.32
Nagpur                            15501         1.97                                   541                          1.31
Maharashtra                  163566       20.97                                  4915                       11.25
Source : Directorate of Industries GOM.

Download 75 page document from


Manufacture of Domestic Air Conditioner - Split AC - Project Information

Air- conditioner provides temperature and  humidity control of air  within a specified
area. The split type air-conditioners are in demand now. The split type of A/c is installed in two parts, one in evaporative unit which is installed near the spaces to be air conditioned and second one is condensing unit which is installed away from the spaces to be air-conditioned. In this way, noise of compressor, flow of exhaust (generally hot) air are distanced from the places to be air-conditioned. Split type A/C are bing used in show rooms and other installations where space availabel is less and disturbance to occupants and passers-by is to be avoided.

Process of Manufacture: Procuring of various components like condenser coil, copper pipe, compressor, cabinet, frame, grills , switches etc Testing components : Assembly Charging of gas and Final testing .

Despite large companies and branded products a major share of marketing of ACs is held by smaller units. These units are generally able to assemble various components and sell  the ACs at competitive prices. The small assemblers are selling their products by personnel contact and getting repeated orders on the basis of performance and reputation. As the country's GDP is growing more and more people are able to buy ACs and demand is increasing.

KVIC Provides this project information. Details have to be found by enquiring with them.

Equipment required: Sheet Bending M/c, Sheet cutting M/c hand operated, Hand press, Electrical Portable Grinder, drilling rivetting, Vacuum pump for charging, Pressure Pump for testing,
Charging Panel, Acetylene, Oxygen Cylinders, torch, hose etc, Swaging, Flaring ,
Soldering tool and fixtures, Spot welding M/c, Clamp Meter (Digital), Painting Gun,
Compressor etc, Work Tables

Estimated Annual Production Capacity: 120

Land : Own (Assumed)
Factory shed :       400,000 can be rented also
Equipment :          151,000
Working Capital:  465,000.00

TOTAL PROJECT COST : 1,016,000.00

 Raw Material                     2,137,000.00
 Packing Material                    48,000.00
Salaries workers 3                 120,000
Salaries ( MANAGER-1) :    120,000.00

Administrative Expenses : 75,000.00
Overheads : 73,000.00
 Miscellaneous Expenses :45,000.00
Depreciation : 35,100.00
Insurance : 5,510.00
Total Interest
Interest (As per the PLR)
a. C.E.Loan :   71,630.00
b. W.C. Loan:  60,450
 Total              132,080.00

Working Capital Requirement :  459,265
Fixed Cost:          317,140
Variable Cost:  2,438,450
 Total cost:       2,755,590

Projected Sales 3,100,000
GRoss Surplus -  344,410
Depreciation    -    35,100
Net Surplus -       309,310



Assembly training kit

Andhra Pradesh - Industrial Profile

Executive Summary
AP Industrial Profile

Physical features Area 2,75,100 Sq. kms
No. of districts 23
Revenue Divisions 81
Mandals 1,128
Gram Panchayats 21,900
Inhabited villages(Census 2001) 26,613
Boundaries East   - Bay of Bengal
West  – Karnataka state
North- Orissa, Maharashtra& M.P.              
South  – Tamil Nadu
Major rivers Godavari, Krishna, and Pennar,
Demographic particulars. Population
(2001 census) 7,62,10,007
Male population 3,85,27,413
Female population 3,76,82,594
Rural population 554.01 lakhs
Urban Population 208.09 lakhs
Scheduled Castes 123.39 lakhs
Scheduled Tribes 50.24 lakhs

Workers total 34.865 millions
Workers – agricultural 21.722 millions(62.3 %)
Workers – non agrl 13.143 millions( 37.7 %)
Languages Spoken Telugu,,Urdu.Hindi and English

Railway track length
No. of Railway stations 4985 kms
No.national highways(12) 4648 kms.
Airways: International Hyderabad, Shamshabad
Domestic Airports Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Tirupati etc;
Sea Ports:
Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Krishnapatnam and Machilipatnam, Gangavaram
Power: Installed capacity
Units generated (MU)
Agricultural Resources Food grains
Cash crops
chillies, cotton, tobacco,  coconut, cashew, groundnut, sugarcane
Mineral resources Major minerals: State’s share in deposits of major minerals: Barytes       97%
Sand            62%
Silver              40%
Quartz            40%
   *  Mica Crude     47%
Industrial Infrastructure Industrial estates/development areas 272
Industry at a glance
 ( March 2009) No.  of micro, small enterprises: 1,58,128
Investment in crores: 10947.55
Employment no. 1532529
Large scale  sector No. of enterprises ( as on 31.3.09): 4099
Investment Rs in crores: 68258
Employment  ( nos)  9,77,754
State Economy
2007-08 Gross State Domestic Product GSDP  at 2006-07) prices
(Rs. Crores) 2,29,461
Gross State Domestic Product GSDP at 2006-07 prices
(Rs. Crores) 2,07,904
Per Capita Income at Current prices (inRs) 33,970
Total Net State Domestic Product 2,40,261
Per Captia Income Rs.33,970

Topography:  AP is the largest state in the southern peninsular region, with an area of 2,75,100 sq kms and a coast line of 974 kms. Based on the physical features, the state is divided into three regions -  Eastern hills, the coastal plains and peninsular plateau . Godavari, Krishna, Pennar and Vamsadhara are the major rivers flowing through the state.

The state has 23(twenty three) districts, with 9 districts in the coastal area, 10 districts in the Telangana area, and 4 districts in the Rayalseema  region.   Hyderabad is the State capital.    

Demographic particulars:  The population of A.P. as per the 2001 census stands at 76.21 millions.  This constitutes about 7.41% of the total population of the country. This makes A.P. the most populous of the 4 southern states.  The rural population of the state is 72.7%. .

The average literacy rate in the State is 60.47 which is a good increase from the 1991 figure of 44.1   The literacy rate among male population is 70.32, and that amongst female population is 50.43


 Agriculture: Andhra Pradesh is endowed with many natural resources like fertile soil, perennial rivers, rich mineral deposits, good human resources, and a climate congenial for agriculture. The state is a leading producer of paddy and  other crops like  tobacco,  cotton,  sugarcane,  pulses, fruits and vegetables etc. Major furits produced are Mangoes, grapes, pineapple, banana and guava.  Apart from these, the state also produces spices like chillies, turmeric, ginger, coriander,  etc. The state’s share in rice production in the country is 12.75%, ( 2005-06 data)  share in maize production is 20.99% , Ground nut is 17%, Mesta is 53%, tobacco is 36% and turmeric is 61%.


Livestock and Poultry:
Andhra Pradesh has 20.56% of the countries poultry population. It is also the leading producer of poultry and eggs.  It contributes to around 33% of eggs and 18 % of broiler meat in the country.    AP has a rich livestock population, and is a major producer of hides and skins (10% of the country’s total production.
Having a long coastline, AP is also a leading producer of marine food products.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Minerals : Andhra Pradesh  is the leading producer of barytes, mica, coal, bauxite, lime, granite etc.. The state produces about 10 million tones of industrial minerals. Andhra Pradesh is endowed with a major share of deposits of some minerals in the country: Barytes :   97%,                 Clay:  32%,   Sand : 62%,  Silver  : 40%,  Quartz   : 40%,   Mica Crude :     47%,   Feldspar : 24%,    Apatite :   27%

Natural Gas:  Vast reserves of natural gas are found in the Krishna-Godavari basin with 47 million standard cubic metres per day, has opened up a plethora of industrial opportunities.

Human resources:  Every year, the state produces more than 81,000 engineers, post graduates in computers, and management students, who make world class professionals with good knowledge of English. These young professionals have made a mark in the global IT industry. The women force in the state has set exemplary standards through the Self Help movement. The state houses a number of Engineering Colleges and Management / Business schools. Prestigious Institutions like Indian Instititute of Technology ( IIT), Birla Institute of Technology ( BITS), IIIT, NALSAR, National Institute of Techonology (NIT) etc are located in the capital.



Industrial Infrastructure :   There are 272 Industrial estates and industrial development areas in the state, covering an area of 14700 hectares.  The State Government is in the process of developing Industrial parks at different places, for specific groups of industries. Industrial parks have been established for locational and logistic advantages. The special industrial parks in the state are :  Software park at Hyderabad, Hardware park, near Shamshabad, ICICI knowledge park , Hitec city for software units,  Apparel Park at Gundlapochampalli, Export Promotion Park at  Pashamylaram, , Hitec city, Food parks one each in the 3 regions of Telangana ( processing of poultry products/processing of coarse grain& millets/spices), Coastal Andhra(value added rice products, dairy products, horticultural products, marine products, labour oriented, export oriented industry, and in Rayalseema region( processing of vegetables- onion, tomatoes, fruits, spices-coriander, edible oils, labour oriented, export oriented industry)at Krishna, Machilipatnam, RR district, Leather parks: 72 mini parks, Exim park at Visakhapatnam, Agri export zones, Gems and Jewelry park etc, Marine Bio tech park, SEZs, and Pharma city at Visakhapatnam.
Agri Export Zones for the following produce are proposed at the places mentioned against them:
mangoes -Krishna district,
gherkins – Mahaboobnagar, Rangareddy, Medak, Karimnagar, Warangal, Anantapur, Nalgonda,
mangoes and grapes – Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Medak, Mahaboobnagar,
Mango pulp and fresh vegetables – Chittoor
Other parks coming up are Gems and Jewellery park, Visakhapatnam Exim park,

Financial Institutions: As  in  March 2008 there were 5990  branches of scheduled banks, of which 1163 are rural branches. The following is the network of bank branches in the state. The Andhra Pradesh State Finance Corporation ( APSFC) provides industrial credit, and has branche offices in all districts.

Industrial scenario in the state:  SSI sector: As on 31.3.09, there were 1,58,128 MSME  units in the state dispersed across the state, with an investment of Rs. 10947.55 crores, providing employment to 15,32,529 persons. Ranga reddy district houses 21,551 units (13.6%) followed by Hyderabad (15,477  - 9.78 %) and Visakhapatnam ( 10,746- 79%).  Nearly 23% of units belong to the food processing center, followed by Mineral based industry (10.27%) and metal  products industries ( 9.8 %)

The details of category-wise distribution of SSIs ( as on 31.3.09) in the state is as follows:

S.No. Category No. of units Investment crores Employment
1. Food Processing
Beverage & Tobacco products 36828 2292.52 374529
3. Cotton Textiles Wool, silk & synthetic fiber textiles Jute, hemp & mesta textiles Hosiery and garments 3105 264.57 49099
7. Wood products 12769 113.53 71259
8. Paper products and printing 10223 623.5 74381
9. Leather & leather products 3512 44.86 18790
10. Rubber, plastic & petroleum products 8016 873.39 69759
11 Chemical and allied inds 7363 1213.14 111816
12. Mineral based industries 16251 1403.56 260114
13. Basic metal industries 2648 460.78 43741
14. Metal products 15501 919.98 131294
15. Machinery and equipment 11696 576.78 88940
16. Electrical and electronic 5420 631.6 64448
17. Transport equipment and parts 2282 75.82 20244
18 Miscellaneous 3471 167.81 29208
19 Repairs and services 14634 254.65 74306
20 Others 4454 587.84 50087
Total 158173

Source: Commissioner of Industries, Govt of AP

L&M Industries: Andhra Pradesh has emerged as one of the most attractive investment destination by attracting a large number of investors. The State is home to  4099 large & medium scale industries with investment of Rs. 68258 crores creating employment to 9,77,754 persons. The maximum number of units are located in Ranga Reddy ( 839 nos) and Medak ( 806).(data as on 31.3.09)

The State is ranked 3rd in the country with a total Rs. 1,51,454 crores of committed investment with an employment potential to 7,81,476 persons in the State after liberalization of industrial policy.

Exports from AP: The total exports from AP during the year 2007-08 were to the tune of Rs. 57343 crores. The share of software was 45.5% , and that of food products was 10.6%. The exports during 2006-07 was 40601 crores and that during 2005-06 was 24407.9 crores.

Exports from AP during 2007-08 were as follows:
Agriculture & Agro based, forest products Rs 6083 crores
Leather , animal & marine products Rs 1746 crores
Mineral and mineral products Rs 2711 crores
Handlooms & Textiles Rs 1097 crores
Handicrafts & carpets Rs 545 crores
Drugs, Pharma, allied & chemicals, plastics Rs 10787 crores
Engineering items Rs 7148 crores
Electronics & electronic parts Rs 1104 crores
Software Rs 26122 crores

Total Rs 57353 crores

 Thrust areas:  The Vision 2020, a document planned to catapult the state in to a developed economy with  a growth rate of 9-10%, has identified 24 growth engines for development. These include
Infrastructure development,
Information technology,
Knowledge based services,
Small-scale services,
Healthcare and
Food processing: fruit and vegetable processing, fruit based ready to serve beverages, wine making, food grain milling, dairy products, processing of poultry, eggs, meat and meat products, bread, oilseed, breakfast foods, biscuits, other packed foods, cold storage units, food grade packaging material, etc

Bio technology: tissue culture labs, green houses, mushroom labs,  seed production units based on modern scientific methods to meet industry standards. Bioinformatics, etc.

Information Technology and Enabled Services: software development, hardware, BPO, call centers, etc

Pharmaceuticals: AP contributes about 34% of the country’s turnover of domestic pharma industry. A Pharma city at Visakhapatnam is proposed to give the industry a further push.

Krishna District - Andhra Pradesh - Industries - MSME Information

Krishna district is divided into four Revenue divisions and 50 Mandals. The four
Revenue Divisions are Bandar, Gudivada, Nuzvid and Vijayawada. The district has one
Municipal Corporation and five Municipalities ( Machilipatnam, Gudivada, Jaggiahpet,
Pedana and Nuzvid)

2. Population 2011 Census ( P)
(A) Total 4529009
i) Male 2011 2441128
ii) Female 2011 2448102
(B) Rural Population 2011 2671718
Urban population 2011 1857291
3. Agriculture
A. Land utilization 2010-11 Hectare
i) Total Area 872700
ii) Forest cover 76186
iii) Non Agriculture Land 149803
iv) cultivable Barren land 36757
v) culturable waste 25809
vi)Permanent Pastures 10668
vii) Misc Tree crops 8914
viii) other fallow land 25358
ix)current fallow 30440

(IX) Education 2010-11
(a) Primary school Nos. 2693
(b) Upper primary schools Nos. 728
(c)High schools Nos. 489
(d) Higher Secondary Nos. 6
(e) Junior college 277
(f) B. Ed colleges 22
(g) Polytechnic colleges 15
(h) Pharmacy 12
(i)Engineering colleges 38
(j) MBA/MCA colleges 68/35

 3.1 Industry at a Glance
No Head Unit Particulars
NO. 56950
NO. 16800


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

East Godavari District - Andhra Pradesh - MSME Information

The District has been divided into five Revenue Divisions viz., Kakinada,
Peddapuram, Rajahmundry, Amalapuram and Rampa Chodavaram.
There are 1404 revenue villages of which 1005 are notified and
Panchayats. There are Nine Municipalities in the District. Kakinada is
the district Hqrs and is on the Coast and also a Port town. According to
2001 census, Rajahmundry is very densely populated town with
3,15,251 while Kakinada stands second largely populated town with a
population of over 2,96,229. The following are the Municipalities in the
1. Rajahmundry
2. Kakinada
3. Samalkot
4. Amalapuram
5. Pithapuram
6. Tuni
7. Mandapeta
8. Peddapuram
9. Ramachandrapuram

3.1 Industry at a Glance
Head Unit Particulars

(lakh Rs.)
1996-97    7286     62895        10982
1997-98    7527 64793 42456
1998-99    7764 66789 17612
1999-2000 NA
2000-01   7932 69565 21188
2001-2002 7979 70040 22200
2002-03    8013 70710 23451
2003-04   8056 71148 24295
2004-05   8106 72454 25083
2005-06   8151 173315 26619
2006-07 8279     75708 31493
2007-08 8411     79039 41462
2008-2009 8582 82659 54948

The last two rows are not matching with earlier data.
2009-10 9370   21812 5567
2010-11 10029 4796.3 2740

Village - Essential Non-Farm Activities and Units

1. Medical Support
2. Post office - Courier - Banking - Insurance
3. Retail Shop
4. Tailor
5. Rickshaw
6. Mechanical Maintenance
7. Electrical Maintenance
8. Canteen - Hotel
9. Construction related work


Food processing unit

MSME development has to concentrate on these units in every village of the country.

We say we have 600,000 villages in the country. We should have minimum 60,00,000 MSMEs in the country. More will come with competition and specialisation.

West Godavari District - Andhra Pradesh - MSME Information

West Godavari district occupies an area of approximately 7,700 square
kilometres (3,000 sq mi).

The area covered by Forests is 0.812 lakh hectares (1,95,692 acres) forming
10.48% of the total geographical area of the district.

Administrative Units
i) Sub divisions 3
ii) Tehsils 46
iii) Sub-Tehsil -
iv) Patwar Circle -
v) Panchayat Simitis -
vi)Nagar nigam -
vii) Nagar Palika 1 ?  There are many
viii) Gram Panchayats 976
xi) Revenue villages 3082
x) Assembly Area 15

2. Population
(A) Sex-wise
i) Male 2011 19.06Lakhs
ii) Female 2011 18.90Lakhs
Total    37.97 lakhs
(B) Rural Population 2011 30.48Lakhs

3. Agriculture
A. Land utilization
i) Total Area 2010-11 Hectare 11.16Lakhs
ii) Forest cover 2010-11 “ 0.812 Lakh
iii) Non Agriculture Land 2010-11 “ 1.07 Lakh
v) cultivable Barren land 2010-11 “ 1.30 Lakh

(IX) Education
(a) Primary school Nos. 2555
(b) Middle schools Nos. 349
(c) Secondary & senior secondary schools Nos. 385
(d) Colleges Nos. 175
(e) Technical University Nos. 2

3.1 Industry at a Glance
Sr No   Head Unit Particulars
NO. -
NO. 16683

3.4 Large Scale Industries /Public Sectors
The District is having 42 large & medium scale industries existing in
the district with an investment of Rs. 597 crores and providing
employment to 16683 persons. Andhra sugars, Sri Krishna Hessians’,
Foods, Fats and fertilizers are some of the major industries.
List of the Units in West Godavari District (A.P) and near by areas.
S.No. Name of the Unit
1. The Gowthami Solvents Oils P.Ltd, Pydiparru, Tanuku.
2. Food Fats and Fertilisers Ltd, Tanuku Road, Tadepalli.
3. Sri Guruvaruppaan Swamy Oils Food & Fats Ltd, Ganapavaram
4. The west Godavari Co.Op. Sugars Ltd, Surappagudem.
5. The Andhra Sugars Ltd, Tanuku.
6. The Andhra Sugars Ltd, Kovvuru.
7. The Palakol Sugars Ltd, Palakol.
8. Vijaya Durga Oils Industries, Tanuku.
9. VVS Sugars Ltd, Chagallu.
10. Padmaja Edible Rice and Bran OilP. Ltd, Undi
11. Regent Agro Products, Devarapalli.
12. The Andhra Sugars, Jangareddygudem.
13. Godrej AgrovetLtd, Dwaraka Tirumala.
14. The nizam sugar factory, Chagallu.
15. Sri Indra Distillery, Tanuku.
16. The Andhra Farm Chemical Corp. Ltd., Kovvuru.
17 Southern Festicides Corp. , Kovvuru.
18. Sri Rama Distiliaries, Jangareddygudem
19. Krishna Ind. Corp. Ltd., Jangareddygudem
20. Krishna Ind. Corp. Ltd., Nidadavolu
21. Doctors Organic chemicals Ltd., Mandapaka
22. Subhodaya Chemicals, Devarapalli.
23. The Andhra Sugars Ltd, Gopalapuram.
24. Delta Paper Mills Ltd,. Vendra.
25. Coastal chemicals, Nidadanvolu
26. Rolex Papers Ltd, Palakollu
27. Coastal Agro Industries Ltd, Unit-I, Undrajavaram
28. Coastal Agro Industries Ltd, Unit-II, Undrajavaram
29. Sri Satyanarayana Spinning Mills Ltd, Tanuku.
30. Sri Akkamamba Textile Mills Ltd, Tanuku
31. Sri Anathalakshmi Textiles P. Ltd, Undrajavaram
32. Sri Ramabhadra Spinners, tanuku.
33. Sri Venkataraya Cotton Mills Ltd, Tanuku.
34. East India Commercial co. ltd, Eluru.
35. Krishna Hassine Ltd, Eluru.
36. Southern Magnesium Metal P. Ltd, Devarapalli.
37. Kalyani Flourides, Nidadavolu.
38 NCL Industries , Kovvuru.
39. Triveni Glass Works Ltd, Devarapalli.
40. Avanthi Feeds Ltd , Kovvru.
42. Devi Sea foods, Peravali.
43. Avanthi Feeds Ltd , Unit-II, Kovvru.

MSMEs in the districts are very low in number. Unregistered MSME number not given in the report.


Andhra Pradesh - Districts - Economy Information - Index

Code District Headquarters Population (2011)  - Area (km²)  -  Density (/km²)
AN Anantapur Anantapur 4,083,315 19,130            213
JNTU Anantapur is in Anantapur.

CH Chittoor         Chittoor 4,170,468 15,152 275

EG East Godavari Kakinada 5,151,549 10,807 477
JNTU Kakinada University is in Kakinada
Nagarjuna Fertilisers Factory is in Kakinada

GU Guntur         Guntur 4,889,230 11,391 429
KR Krishna         Machilipatnam 4,529,009 8,727 519
KU Kurnool         Kurnool 4,046,601 17,658 229
PR Prakasam         Ongole 3,392,764 17,626 192
SR Srikakulam Srikakulam 2,699,471 5,837 462
NE Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Nellore Nellore 2,966,082 13,076 227
VS Vishakhapatnam Visakhapatnam 4,288,113 11,161 384
VZ Vizianagaram  Vizianagaram 2,342,868 6,539 358
WG West Godavari Eluru 3,934,782 7,742 508
CU Cudappah Kadapa 2,884,524 15,359 188


National Industrial Classification - India - 5 Digit Codes


01405 Cotton ginning, cleaning and baling
05011 Fishing on commercial basis in ocean, sea and coastal areas
05012 Fishing on commercial basis in inland waters.
10203 Cleaning, sizing and pulverising of lignite
11101 Off shore extraction of petroleum
11102 On shore extraction of petroleum
11103 Off shore extraction of natural gas
11204 On shore extraction of natural gas
11201 Services incidental to off shore oil extraction
11202 Services incidental to on shore oil extraction
11203 Services incidental to off shore gas extraction
11204 Services incidental to on shore gas extraction

13100 Mining of iron ores [includes mining of hematite, magnetite, limonite, siderite or
taconite etc. which are valued chiefly for iron content. Production of sintered iron ores is also
13203 Mining of aluminium ores (bauxite)

14102 Quarrying of granite
14104 Mining of dolomite
14105 Mining of gypsum including selenite
14106 Operation of sand or gravel pits, basalt / porphyry, clay (ordinary ) , crushing and breaking
of stone for use as a flux or raw material in lime or cement manufacture or as building
material, road metal or ballast and other materials for construction.
14108 Mining of clays (kaolin, ball clay, wollastonite, bentonite, fuller‟s earth, fire clay etc.)
14109 Mining of refractory non-clay minerals (andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, dunite diaspore,
magnesite and pyrophyllite).
14221 Salt mining, quarrying, screening etc.
14297 Mining of felspar and silica minerals including quartz, quartzite and fuch. quartzite.

15111 Mutton-slaughtering,
15116 Processing and canning of meat
15122 Artificial dehydration of fish and sea food
15124 Processing and canning of fish
15132 Artificial dehydration of fruit and vegetables
15134 Manufacturing of fruit/vegetable juices and their concentrates, squashes and powder
15135 Manufacture of sauces, jams, jellies and marmalades
15136 Manufacture of pickles, chutneys, murabbas etc.
15137 Canning of fruit and vegetables
15141 Manufacture of hydrogenated oils and vanaspati ghee etc.
15201 Manufacture of milk powder, ice-cream powder and condensed milk except baby milk foods
15203 Manufacture of butter, cream, ghee, cheese and khoya etc.
15204 Manufacture of pasteurized milk whether or not in bottles/ polythene packs etc. (plain or
15205 Manufacture of ice-cream and kulfi etc.
15311 Flour milling
15312 Rice milling
15313 Dal milling
15318 Manufacture of other readymade mixed powders like idli, gulabjamun etc.
15321 Manufacture of starch
15323 Manufacture of glucose & glucose syrup, maltose
15331 Manufacture of cattle feed
15332 Manufacture of poultry feed
15412 Manufacture of biscuits, cakes and pastries
15421 Manufacture and refining of sugar (vacuum pan sugar factories)
15422 Manufacture of `gur‟from sugar cane
15424 Manufacture of `khandsari‟ sugar from sugar cane
15428 Manufacture of molasses
15432 Manufacture of sugar confectionery (except sweetmeats)
15440 Manufacture of marconi, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products
15492 Coffee curing, roasting, grinding and blending etc. including manufacture of instant coffee,
chicory and other coffee substitutes, essence of concentrates of coffee.
15494 Manufacture of malted foods including food for infants and invalids
15495 Grinding and processing of spices
15496 Manufacture of papads, appalam and similar food products
15533 Manufacture of malt
15541 Manufacture of aerated drinks
15543 Manufacture of mineral water
15544 Manufacture of ice
15545 Manufacture of soft drinks

16001 Tobacco stemming, re drying etc. of tobacco leaf.
16002 Manufacture of bidi
16003 Manufacture of cigarette and cigarette tobacco
16004 Manufacture of snuff
16006 Manufacture of `zarda‟
16007 Manufacture of catechu (katha) and chewing lime
16008 Manufacture of pan masala and related products.

17111 Preparation and spinning of textile fiber including weaving of textiles (excluding
17114 Preparation and spinning of man-made fiber including blended* man-made fiber.
17115 Weaving, manufacture of cotton and cotton mixture fabrics.
17116 Weaving, manufacture of silk and silk mixture fabrics.
17117 Weaving, manufacture of wool and wool mixture fabrics.
17118 Weaving, manufacturing of man-made fiber and man-made mixture fabrics.
17121 Finishing of cotton and blended cotton textiles.
17122 Finishing of silk and blended silk textiles.
17123 Finishing of wool and blended wool textiles.
17124 Finishing of man-made and blended man-made textiles.
17126 Activity related to screen printing
17132 Weaving of cotton khadi
17133 Weaving of cotton textiles on handlooms
17135 Weaving of woolen and silk khadi
17136 Weaving of wool and silk on handlooms
17137 Weaving of artificial/synthetic textile fabrics on handlooms
17141 Bleaching, dyeing and finishing of cotton cloth and yarn by hand printing of cloth by hand
17145 Bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing of artificial/synthetic textile fabrics by hand
17211 Manufacture of curtains, bed-covers and furnishings.
17214 Manufacture of bedding, quilts, pillows, cushions and sleeping bags (manufacture of coir
foam mattresses and pillows is classified in class 3610)
17215 Manufacture of tarpaulin
17221 Manufacture of blankets shawls
17222 Manufacture of cotton carpets
17223 Manufacture of woolen carpets
17224 Manufacture of silk carpets
17225 Manufacture of durries, druggets and rugs
1723 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting
17231 Manufacture of thread, including thread ball making
17233 Manufacture of coir rope and cordage
17241 Embroidery work by hand
17242 Zari work by hand
17243 Making of laces and fringes by hand
17251 Manufacture of blankets and shawls by hand
17252 Manufacture of cotton carpets by hand
17255 Manufacture of durries, druggets and rugs by hand
17291 Embroidery work and making of laces and fringes other than by hand
17292 Zari work and making of other ornamental trimmings other than by hand
17295 Manufacture of made-up canvas goods such as tents and sails etc.
17296 Manufacture of wadding of textile materials and articles of wadding such as sanitary towels
and tampons
17298 Manufacture of waterproof textile excluding Tarpaulin.
17301 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted cotton textile products
17302 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted woolen textile products
17303 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted synthetic textile products

18101 Manufacture of all types of textile garments and clothing accessories
18102 Manufacture of rain coats of waterproof textile fabrics or plastic sheetings
18104 Manufacture of wearing apparel of leather and substitutes of leather
18202 Manufacture of wearing apparel of fur and pelts
18204 Embroidering and embossing of leather articles

19112 Tanning and finishing of sole leather
19115 Crome tanning of leather
19116 Finishing of upper leather, lining leather and garment leather etc.
19121 Manufacture of travel goods like suitcases, bags and hold alls etc.
19122 Manufacture of purses and other ladies handbags, artistic leather presented articles and
novelties etc.
19123 Manufacture of saddlery and harness
19201 Manufacture of footwear (excluding repair) except of vulcalized or moulded rubber or plastic.
19202 Manufacture of footwear made primarily of vulcalized or moulded rubber and plastic. This
class includes manufacture of rubber footwear, plastic & PVC, canvas -cum-rubber/plastic
footwear etc. including sports footwear.

20101 Sawing and planing of wood (other than plywood)
20211 Manufacture of plywood and veneer sheets
20212 Manufacture of flush doors and other boards or panels
20231 Manufacture of wooden boxes, barrels etc. (except plywood)
20232 Manufacture of plywood chests
20233 Manufacture of market basketry, grain storage bins, ration baskets including baskets madeup
from rachis (toddy tree) and similar product made from bambooand reed etc.
20239 Manufacture of other wooden containers and products made entirely or mainly of cane,
rattan, bamboo, willow, fibres, leaves and grass n.e.c.
20291 Manufacture of wooden industrial goods
20293 Manufacture of bamboo and cane article and fixture of bamboo, cane, reed and grass
products (thatching etc.)
20295 Manufacture of wooden agricultural implements
20296 Manufacture from cane and bamboo of shopping bags, ornament boxes, costume articles,
trays, table lamps, fancy baskets, table mats, tumbler and vessel holders and other
household utilities

21012 Manufacture of paper incl. Printing & writing paper
21013 Manufacture of newsprint
21014 Manufacture of packaging paper
21015 Manufacture of paper board and straw board
21021 Manufacture of sacks & paper bags
21022 Manufacture of card board boxes
21023 Manufacture of corrugated fiber board containers
21024 Manufacture of corrugated paper board

22190 Other publishing [includes publishing of photos and postcards, greeting cards, time-tables,
forms, posters or other printed matters.]
22211 Printing but not publishing of newspapers
22219 Printing and allied activities like screen printing other then textile, n.e.c.
22221 Engraving, etching and block making etc.
22222 Book binding on account of others

23201 Production of liquid or gaseous fuels, illuminating oils, lubricating oils or greases or other
products from crude petroleum or bituminous minerals
23202 Manufacture of paraffin wax
23203 Bottling of LPG
23209 Manufacture of other petroleum products n.e.c. (includes manufacture of petroleum jelly,
micro-crystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, petroleum coke,
petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous
minerals. Manufacture of candles is classified in

24111 Manufacture of industrial gases (includes manufacture of elemental gases, liquid or
compressed air, acetylene refrigerant gases and mixed industrial gases etc.)
24211 Manufacture of inorganic acids
24113 Manufacture of tanning or dying extracts; tannings and their derivatives and colouring matter
24114 Manufacture of dyes (includes manufacture of such dyes and colouring matters which are for
final use by household/industrial/institutional consumers, manufacture of special dyes used
in laboratories e.g. to colour microscopic preparations is also included)
24115 Manufacture of turpentine and resins of vegetable origin
24121 Manufacture of nitric acid, ammonia, commercial ammonium chloride, nitrates of potassium
and other basic chemicals of nitrogenous fertilizer industry
24122 Manufacture of straight inorganic fertilizers
24123 Manufacture of urea and other organic fertilizers
24124 Manufacture of mixed, compound or complex fertilizers
24131 Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms
24211 Manufacture of insecticides, fungicides and weedicides
24222 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings,
24221 Manufacture of prepared pigments, prepared pacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable
enamels and glazes enrobes and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic,
enameling or glass industry
24222 Manufacture of paints, varnishes, enamels or lacquers
24223 Manufacture of printing ink (manufacture of writing or drawing ink is classified in sub-class
24231 Manufacture of chemical substances used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals:
antibiotics, endocrine products, basic vitamins; opium derivatives; sulpha drugs;
24232 Manufacture of allopathic pharmaceutical preparations
24233 Manufacture of „ayurvedic‟ or „unani‟ pharmaceutical preparation
24234 Manufacture of homoeopathic or biochemical pharmaceutical preparations
24235 Manufacture of veterinary preparations
24236 Manufacture of surgical dressings, medicated wadding, fracture bandages, catgut and other
prepared sutures
24241 Manufacture of soaps all types (includes medicated soap, household soaps, rosin,
naphthenate soaps and industrial soaps)
24242 Manufacture of waxes & polishes (includes manufacture of artificial waxes, prepared waxes;
polishes and creams for footwear, furniture, floor, coachwork, glass or metals and scouringpastes/powders
and similar preparations)
24244 Manufacture of perfumes and cologne de-eau
24245 Manufacture of preparations for oral or dental hygiene (includes manufacture of tooth
pastes, tooth powder, mouth wash, oral, perfumes, dental fixative pastes and powders etc.)
24246 Manufacture of cosmetics and toileteries (includes manufacture of pre-shave, shaving or
after shave preparations; personal deodorants and anti-respirants; perfumed bath salts and
other bath preparations; beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of
the skin, other than medicaments; manicure and pedicure preparations etc.)
24247 Manufacture of hair oil, shampoo, hair dye etc. (includes manufacture of shampoos, hair
sprays, hair fixers, hair oils, hair creams, hair dyes and bleaches and preparations for
permanent waving or straightening of the hair etc.)
24248 Manufacture of “Agarbatti” and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning
24291 Manufacture of matches
24292 Manufacture of explosive, ammunition and fire works
24298 Manufacture of processed salt

25111 Manufacture of tyres and tubes for motor vehicle, tractors and aircrafts
25112 Manufacture of tyres and tubes for motor cycles, scooters and three-wheelers
25113 Manufacture of tyres and tubes for cycles & cycle rickshaws
25114 Retreading of tyres; replacing of tread on used pneumatic tyres
25191 Manufacture of rubber plates, sheets, strips, rods, tubes, pipes, hoses and profile-shapes etc.
25192 Manufacture of rubber conveyor or transmission belts or belting
25193 Manufacture of rubber contraceptives
25194 Manufacture of rubber balloons
25201 Manufacture of semi -finished products of plastics
25202 Manufacture of packing products of plastics (except household)
25203 Manufacture of bathing tubs, wash-basins, lavatory pans and covers, flushing cisterns and
similar sanitary-ware of plastics
25204 Manufacture of travel goods of plastics (suitcase, vanity bags, holdalls and similar
25205 Manufacture of spectacle frames of plastic
25206 Manufacture of moulded industrial accessories of plastics [including electrical insulating
fittings of plastics]
25207 Manufacture of tableware, kitchenware and other household articles and toilet articles of
plastic, including manufacture of vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels
25208 Manufacture of plastic headgear (helmets)

26101 Manufacture of glass in primary and semi manufactured forms (such as sheets & plates)
including mirror sheets and wired, colored, tinted, toughened or laminated glass
26103 Manufacture of hollow glassware
26105 Manufacture of table and kitchen glassware
26911 Manufacture of articles of porcelain or china, earthernware, imitation porcelain or common
26913 Manufacture of ceramic tableware and other articles
26915 Manufacture of ceramic insulators and insulating fittings for electrical machines,
appliances and equipments
26921 Manufacture of refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional
26931 Manufacture of bricks
26932 Manufacture of non-refractory ceramic pipes, conduits, and guttering pipe fittings
26933 Manufacture of ceramic building material, other than bricks: flooring blocks, roofing tiles,
wall tiles (whether or not glazed), flags and paving, mosaic cubes etc.
25914 Manufacture of ceramic sanitary wares: sinks, baths, water-closet pans, flushing
26915 Manufacture of ceramic insulators and insulating fittings for electrical machines,
26921 Manufacture of refractory bricks, blocks tiles and similar refractory ceramic
26922 Manufacture of refractory cements; ceramic products that can withstand the high
temperature encountered in metallurgical operations; retorts, crucibles, muffles,
26941 Manufacture of cement in the form of clinkers
26942 Manufacture of Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement and similar hydraulic
cement, except in the form of clinkers
26943 Manufacture of asbestos cement
26953 Manufacture of asbestos sheets
26954 Manufacture of R.C.C. bricks and blocks
26955 Manufacture of concrete tiles
26956 Manufacture of Hume pipes and other pre-fabricated structural components of cement and/or
concrete for building or civil engineering
26960 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone [includes cutting, shaping and finishing stone for use
in construction, in cemeteries, on roads, as roofing and in other applications]

27110 Manufacture of Ferro alloys.
27120 Manufacture of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI)/Sponge Iron and other spongy ferrous
27130 Manufacture of Pig Iron (hot metal).
27141 Manufacture of semi -finished non ally steel of these shapes
27142 Manufacture of semi -finished alloy steel of these shapes
27143 Manufacture of semi -finished stainless steel of these shapes
27151 Manufacture of alloy-steel of these shapes
27152 Manufacture of non-alloy steel of these shapes
27153 Manufacture of stainless steel of these shapes
27161 Manufacture of non-alloy steel hot rolled flat products (including plates, sheets, strips, wide
27162 Manufacture of alloy steel hot rolled flat products (including plates, sheets, strips, wide coils)
27163 Manufacture of stainless steel hot rolled flat products (including plated sheets, strips, wide
27164 Manufacture of non-alloy steel cold rolled flat products (including sheets, strips, wide coils,
27165 Manufacture of alloy steel cold rolled flat products
27172 Manufacture of Tinplate
27181 Manufacture of non-alloy steel wires
27182 Manufacture of alloy steel wires
27183 Manufacture of stainless steel wires
27184 Manufacture of wires coated with zinc or other materials
27201 Manufacturing of Copper (includes basic processing, smelting, refining for production of base
metal; its further rolling, drawing and extruding; and production of powders or flakes, foil,
plates, sheets or strip, bars, rods, profiles, wires, tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings)
27202 Manufacturing of Brass (includes the making of brass and its further rolling, drawing and
extruding; and production of powders or flakes, foil, plates, sheets or strip, bars, rods,
profiles, wires, tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings)
27203 Manufacturing of Aluminum (includes basic processing, smelting, refining for production of
base metal; its further rolling, drawing and extruding; and production of powders or flakes,
foil, plates, sheets or strip, bars, rods, profiles, wires, tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings)
27310 Casting of iron and steel
27320 Casting of non-ferrous metals

28111 Manufacture of doors, windows and their frames, shutters and rolling shutters ; fire escapes,
gates and similar articles of iron or steel used on buildings
28112 Manufacture of fabricated structural products of iron or steel: bridges and bridge parts,
towers, masts, columns, girders, trusses, arches, sluice gates, piers and jetties. Erection of
the structures from self-manufactured parts is included
28113 Manufacture of fabricated structural products of metal other than of iron or steel
28121 Manufacture of containers of metal for compressed or liquefied gas such as gas cylinders
28122 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and similar containers
28123 Manufacture of central heating boilers, radiators and its parts and accessories
28128 Repair and maintenance of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
28131 Manufacture of steam or other vapor generating boilers and hot water boilers other than
central heating boilers
28133 Manufacture of auxiliary plant for use with boilers, such as economizers, super heaters,
steam collectors and accumulators; soot removers, gas recoverers and sludge scrapers and
their parts and accessories
28138 Repair and maintenance of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
28910 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
28931 Manufacture of metal articles in and about the house: knives and knife blades; other articles
of cutlery; including cleavers and choppers, razors and razor blades, scissors, hair clippers
and nail clippers; spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, fish knives, tongs and other articles for
use at table or in the kitchen
28932 Manufacture of tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry; of a kind used in
carpentry, cabinet work or other wood work; of a kind used for mechanical assembly work;
of a kind used in sheet metal work; and in other trades
28939 Manufacture of general hardware n.e.c.
28991 Manufacture of metal fasteners (nails, rivets, tacks, pins, staples, washers and similar nonthreaded
products and nuts, bolts, screws and other threaded products); springs including
semi-finished springs for all purposes other than watch springs; metal chains (other than
power transmission chains) and weights and measures
28992 Manufacture of containers used for packing or conveyance of goods: casks, drums, pails,
cans, boxes etc. (manufacture of railway and ship containers used in container-traffic is
classified 3420)
28993 Manufacture of reinforced safes, vaults, strong room doors and gates and the like
28994 Manufacture of metal sanitary ware, including baths, sinks, wash basins, and other metal
sanitary and toilet articles, whether or not enamled
28996 Manufacture of hollow-ware, dinnerware or flatware whether or not of base metal plated with
precious metal; fry pans, sauce pans, and other metal cooking utensils
28997 Manufacture of pressure cookers and other small hand operated kitchen appliances used in
preparation, conditioning or serving of food
28998(A) Repair and maintenance of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.

29111 Manufacture of steam engines and turbines
29112 Manufacture of reciprocator or rotary spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal
combustion piston engines for use in moving or stationary applications
29113 Manufacture of parts and accessories of engines and turbines.
29118 Repair and maintenance of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle
29119 Manufacture of other movers n.e.c. hydraulic turbines, water wheels and their regulatory
machinery; gas turbines for marine propulsion or for use as prime movers of electric
generators or pumps; boiler-turbine set or a stationary steam engine with integral boiler.
29121 Manufacture of pumps, compressors, taps and valves
29128 Repair and maintenance of pumps, compressors, taps and valves
29131 Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
29138 Repair and maintenance of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
29141 Manufacture of non-electric furnaces and ovens for roasting, melting or other heat
treatment of ores, pyrites, non-metallic minerals, metals or other materials; manufacture of
mechanical stokers, mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances
29142 Manufacture of electric furnaces or ovens, including induction or dielectric furnaces and
ovens including incinerators and industrial heaters
29148 Repair and maintenance of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners
29149 Manufacture of other ovens, furnaces and furnace burners n.e.c.
29151 Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
29158 Repair and maintenance of lifting and handling equipment
29191 Manufacture of refrigerators or freezing equipment for commercial and other nonhousehold
purposes and assemblies of their major components e.g. compressors and
condensers mounted on a common platform even though motor, evaporator or cabinet is
missing;; furniture designed to accommodate refrigeration of freezing equipment.
29192 Manufacture of domestic air-conditioners.
29193 Manufacture of fire extinguishers and other equipment for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders whether or not hand-operated, including sand blasting machines, stream cleaning machines etc.
29194 Manufacture of centrifuges machinery for liquids and gases, other than cream separators or clothes dryers
29195 Manufacture of packing and wrapping machinery including machines which perform one or more of such functions as filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or labeling containers such as bottles, cans, boxes or bags; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers or for aerating beverages.
29196 Manufacture of weighing machinery other than sensitive laboratory balances: household and shop scales, portable or mobile platform scales, scales for continuous weighing of goods, scales for weighing a continuous flow of liquid, weigh bridges and so forth, including weighing machinery incorporating calculators etc.
29197 Manufacture of filtering and purifying machinery or apparatus for liquids and gases
29198 Manufacture of distilling and rectifying plants; heat exchangers; machinery for liquefying air or gas; producer gas or water gas and acetylene gas generators.
29198 (A) Repair and maintenance of other general purpose machinery
29199 Manufacture of other general purpose machinery: fans intended for industrial applications, exhaust hoods for commercial, laboratory or industrial use; calendaring or other rolling machines other than for metals or glass; gaskets and similar joints made of a combination of materials or layers of the same material and other general purpose machinery n.e.c., including manufacture of parts and accessories for general purpose machinery and equipment.
29211 Manufacture of tractors, harvesters and other heavy machinery for use in agricultural and forestry(manufacture of over-the-road tractors for semi -trailers is classified in class 3410)
29212 Manufacture of light agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment other than
forage press: ploughs, harrows, weeders, hoes, seeders, manure spreaders, thinners etc.
29214 Manufacture of parts and accessories for agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment
29218 Repair and maintenance of agricultural and forestry machinery
29221 Manufacture of automatic capstans and turrets and lathes
29222 Manufacture of boring, broaching, drilling and threading machines
29223 Manufacture of milling, planning, shaping, gear cutting and slotting machines
29224 Manufacture of grinding, lapping, honing and polishing machines
29225 Manufacture of sawing, contour sawing, filling and cut-off machines
29228 Repair and maintenance of machine-tools
29231 Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy: converters, ingot moulds, ladles and casting machines; metal rolling mills and rolls for such mills
29238 Repair and maintenance of machinery for metallurgy: converters, ingot moulds, ladles and casting machines; metal rolling mills and rolls for such mills
29241 Manufacture of lifting and handling machinery specially designed for use underground
29242 Manufacture of boring and sinking machinery
29243 Manufacture of machinery for treating minerals by screening, sorting, separating or similar processes
29244 Manufacture of bulldozers, angle-dozers and other earth moving machinery; manufacture of pile drivers, pile excavators and compacting machinery
29245 Manufacture of track-laying tractors used in construction or mining
29246 Manufacture of parts and accessories for machinery/equipment used by construction and mining industries
29248 (A) Repair and maintenance of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
29251 Manufacture of machinery for dairy industry and for processing of meat, fish and poultry
29253 Manufacture of machinery chiefly employed by grain milling industry and for the oil mills: machinery to clean, sort or grade seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used to produce flour, meal or other ground products; machinery for the extration or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats and oils.
29254 Manufacture of machinery for manufacture of sugar and for manufacture of bakery and confectionery products
29255 Manufacture of machinery for manufacture of fruit/vegetable juices, malt liquors and alcoholic beverages including machinery for processing vegetables
29256 Manufacture of parts and accessories of machinery for industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink.
29258 Repair and maintenance of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
29261 Manufacture of machinery for preparation of textile fibers upto spinning stage and other similar machines, including ginning machinery.
29262 Manufacture of spinning machines for preparing textile yarns for weaving knitting
29264 Manufacture of machinery for washing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made up apparel,; machines for applying paste to the base fabric or other support used in the manufacture of linoleum or similar floor coverings; machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics.
29265 Manufacture of sewing and knitting machines: sewing machines of all types (including those for household use) and its heads.
29266 Manufacture of machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins and leather; machinery for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins, leather of fur skins.
29267 Manufacture of laundry-type washing and drying machines and dry–cleaning machines; ironing machines including fusing presses, (manufacture of centrifugal clothes dryers is classified in class 2929)
29268 Manufacture of accessories and parts of all types of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production.
29268(A) Repair and maintenance of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
29291 Manufacturing of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for manufacturing of products of these materials.
29292 Manufacture of machinery for producing tiles, bricks, shaped ceramic pastes, pipes, graphite electrodes, blackboard chalk, and foundry moulds etc.
29293 Manufacture of machinery for pulp, paper and paper board industries machinery for producing paper of a given size or shape or for producing articles such as envelopes, bags, boxes or cartons.
29294 Manufacture of printing machinery (presses, screen printers and other special printing machines), type-founding machinery; typesetting machinery; machines for photo-type setting and composing machines; blocks, plates and cylinders and other printing components; book binding machinery and machines for uses ancillary to printing (stockers, feeders, folders, gummers, staplers)
29295 Manufacture of molding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; molding patterns, mould for metals (other than ingot moulds); metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics and other parts special purpose machinery, not elsewhere classified.
29296 Manufacture of cement machinery
29297 Manufacture of pharmaceutical and chemical machinery
29298 Manufacture of centrifugal cloth dryers, machines to assemble electric or electronic lamps, tubes or bulbs in glass envelopes; machines for production of hot-working of glass or glassware; machinery for isotopic separation
29298(A) Repair and maintenance of other special purpose machinery
29301 Manufacture of oil stoves, hurricane lanterns and oil pressure lamps
29302 Manufacture of gas stoves, cooking ranges and other similar appliances
29303 Manufacture of electric fans
29304 Manufacture of vacuum cleaners and other electro-mechanical domestic appliances with self-contained electric motors, such as food processors and juice extractors etc.
29305 Manufacture of electro-thermal domestic appliances such as immersion water heaters, hot-plates, geysers; electro-thermal hair dressing appliances; electric irons and electric/electronic cooking appliances (ovens, micro-wave ovens, cookers, hot plates, toasters, coffee or tea makers etc.)
29306 Manufacture of domestic refrigerators/freezers
29307 Manufacturing of items based on solar energy like solar cookers, air/water heating system etc. except cell.
29308 Manufacture of other electric domestic appliances n.e.c. : dishwashers, household type laundry equipment, electric razors including parts and accessories for electrical domestic appliances
29309 Manufacture of other (non-electric) domestic appliances n.e.c. and part and accessories for electrical and non-electric domestic appliances

30003 Manufacture of hand-held or desk-top calculating machines; other calculators; accounting machines, cash registers, postage franking machines, ticket issuing machines and similar machines incorporating a calculating device.
30006 Manufacture of complete digital systems comprising a central processing unit, an input unit and an output unit; digital systems which include peripheral units such as additional input/output units, additional storage units etc
30009 Manufacture of automatic data processing machines and other computing machinery, including parts and accessories for computing machinery n.e.c.

31101 Manufacture of generators/generating sets
31102 Manufacture of transformers of all sizes and types & rewinding of electric motors
31103 Manufacture of electric motors : universal AC/DC motors and DC motors or generators
31104 Manufacture of converters all types (including inverters)
31108 Repair and maintenance of electric motors, generators and transformers
31109 Manufacture of all types of rectifiers, battery charges, inductors etc. n.e.c
31300 Manufacture of insulated wire and cable [insulated (including enamelled or anodized) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) and other insulated conductors; insulated strip as is used in large capacity machines or control equipment; and optical fiber cables]
31401 Manufacture of electric accumulators: lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-iron or other accumulators
31402 Manufacture of primary cells and primary batteries: cells containing manganese oxide, mercuric oxide, silver oxide or other material
31403 Manufacture of parts and accessories such as separators, containers, etc.
31404 Re-charging/re-conditioning of batteries
31501 Manufacture of electric filament lamps including manufacture of sealed beam lamp units
31502 Manufacture of ultra-violet or infra -red lamps
31503 Manufacture of discharge lamps, florescent, hot-cathode or other discharge lamps
31504 Manufacture of arc lamps
31505 Manufacture of flash bulbs used in photography
31506 Manufacture of lighting equipment, illuminated signs, illuminated name -plates and the like; flash light; torch; parts of electric lamps and lighting equipment (manufacture of lighting equipment for cycles and motor vehicles is classified in class 3190) parts of electric lamps
31901 Manufacture of electrical ignition or starling equipment of a kind used for spark ignition or compression ignition internal combustion engines; ignition magnetos,
31902 Manufacture of electrical lighting (other than sealed beam lamp units) or signaling including sound signaling equipment specialized for use on cycles and motor vehicles; windscreen wipers and electric defrosters and de-misters
31904 Manufacture of electro-magnets; electro-magnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clutches, brakes, couplings, clamps or lifting heads
31905 Manufacture of wiring sets including wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft, ships or other machinery
31906 Manufacture of dynamos for cycles and motor-cycles
31907 Manufacture of electric sound or visual signaling apparatus (bells, sirens, indicators panels, burglar or fire alarms etc.)
31908 Carbon or graphite electrodes, carbon brush, lamp carbons, battery carbon with or without metals used for electronic purpose
31908(A) Repair and maintenance of other electrical equipment n.e.c.

32104 Manufacture of printed circuits i.e. circuits which are made by forming on an insulating base, by conventional or non-conventional printing process, conductor elements, contacts or other printed elements.
32106 Manufacture of electronic integrated circuit and micro-assemblies: monolithic or hybrid and electronic micro-assemblies of moulded module, micro-module or similar types.
32205 Manufacture of reception apparatus for radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy, including apparatus combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock
32208 Repair and maintenance of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphy
32302 Manufacture of reception apparatus for radio broadcasting (includes apparatus with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock).
32308(A) Repair and maintenance of television and radio receivers, sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, and associated goods
32309 Manufacture of microphones, loudspeakers, ear-phone, amplifiers, sound amplifier sets and other sound/video reproducing apparatus n.e.c.

33111 Manufacture of apparatus based on the use of X-rays or alpha, beta or gamma radiations, whether or not for use in human or animal medicine. Included is the manufacture of X-ray tubes, high tension generators, control panels, desks, screens and the like
33112 Manufacture of instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary practice, including electro-diagnostic apparatus such as electrocardiographs, dental drill engines, ophthalmic instruments including sight testing sets, syringes, needles used in medicine and the like
33113 Manufacture of sterilizers
33114 Manufacture of mechanic-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiratory apparatus; other breathing appliances and gas masks other than simple protective masks
33115 Manufacture of orthopedic appliances including crutches, surgical belts and trusses, orthopedic corsets and shoes; splints and other fracture appliances; appliances worn, carried or implanted (e.g. hearing aids or pace makers etc.)
33116 Manufacture of artificial teeth, artificial limbs and other artificial parts of the body
33121 Manufacture of regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus except industrial process control equipment: thermostats, pressure controllers, level regulators and automatic regulators of electrical quantities
33122 Manufacture of supply meters for electricity, water or gas
33123 Manufacture of sensitive balances and mathematical calculating instruments (e.g. measuring rods and tapes, micrometers, calipers, gauges etc.)
33124 Manufacture of radar apparatus and radio remote control apparatus
33126 Manufacture of navigational, meteorological, geophysical and related instruments and apparatus oceanographic or hydrological instruments; seismometers, rangefinders, automatic pilots, sextants, ultrasonic sounding instruments and special instruments for air navigation
33127 Manufacture of specialised parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus included in this group.
33130 Manufacture of industrial process control equipment [apparatus used for automatic continuous measurement and control of variables such as temperature, pressure, viscosity and the like of materials or products as they are being manufactured or otherwise processed]
33201 Manufacture of optical elements of glass or of any material; prisms and lenses, mirrors constituting optical elements; colour filters, polarizing elements; ophthalmic lenses, including contact lenses; optical fibers and cables of optical fibers not individually sheathed [(manufacture of optical sheathed fibers is classified in class 3130)glass (except mirror glass) and lenses
33202 Manufacture of spectacle frames and frames fitted with lenses, whether or not the lenses are optically worked (e.g. sun glasses, protective glasses and corrective glasses)
33203 Manufacture of optical instruments such as binoculars, monoculors, other optical telescopes and their mountings; optical astronomical instruments; compound
33208 Manufacture of specialized parts and accessories for photographic/cinematographic and optical instruments, n.e.c. (e.g. discharge lamps and other flashlight apparatus, but not flash bulbs; projection screens etc.)
33209 Manufacture of other photographic, cinematographic and optical instruments and apparatus n.e.c.: image projectors, enlargers and reducers including microfilm readers; and apparatus for photographic or cinematographic laboratories)
33301 Manufacture of watches and clocks of all kinds
33302 Manufacture of parts and accessories for watches and clocks: watch and clock cases, including cases of precious metals; watch and clock movements; metal watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets including those of precious metals; watch and clock springs, jewels, dials, ; and other parts

34101 Manufacture of heavy motor vehicles: buses and vans principally designed for transport of persons
34102 Manufacture of motor vehicles for the transport of goods: ordinary lorries, trucks and goods vans; lorries with automatic discharging devices, tankers, drop frame lorries, refuse collectors, etc. ; special purpose motor lorries and trucks e.g. motor breakdown lorries, armoured cars, street sweepers, mobile medical and dental clinics, travelling libraries etc.; also included over-the-road tractors for semi-trailers
34103 Manufacture of motor cars
34104 Manufacture of jeeps and station wagons
34107 Manufacture of compression-ignition or spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion engines used to power motor vehicles
34201 Manufacture of bodies (including cabs) designed to be mounted on motor vehicle chassis, bodies for vehicles without chassis and unit construction bodies; bodies for passenger vehicles, lorries and special purpose vehicles; bodies of metal, ood, plastics or combination of these or other material
34202 Manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers designed to be drawn by mo tor vehicles, including rail-road trailers; parts of trailers and semi-trailers
34203 Manufacture of containers (including the containers for the transport of fluids) specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport

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