Saturday, August 18, 2012


A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.

The noun or pronoun that follows the preposition is called its object (object of the preposition). The noun or pronoun is in accusative case and is said to be governed by the preposition.

Phrasal verbs: Sometimes a very is followed by a preposition and has a particular meaning which is different from the meaning of the verb, when it is used alone or others prepositions. Such multi-word verbs, with a particular meaning are called phrasal verbs.

Certain verbs, nouns, adjectives and participles are always followed by particular prepositions. Lists of those words.

Verbs followed by Particular Prepositions

Verbs That Take Preposition "in" After Them
Verbs That Take Preposition "for " After Them
Verbs That Take Preposition "from " After Them
Verbs That Take Preposition "of " After Them
Verbs That Take Preposition "on" After Them
Verbs That Take Preposition "to" After Them
Verbs That Take Preposition "with" After Them

YouTube Videos for Learning Prepositions

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